grounded directions for a new urban hope

David Harvey


David Harvey

Uneven Geographical Development

Political-economy, right to the city, social justice and urbanization, emancipatory economics, public education

Harvey (England / NY, USA) is Distinguished Professor of Geography and Anthropology at the Graduate Center of The City University of New York. His work into the fields of anthropology, geography, marxists studies, political-economy, urban studies and cultural studies have made him one of the most influential thinkers alive. Over his lifetime, Prof. Harvey has been dedicated to the production and transfer of critical knowledge to academics and the general public alike, his online lectures on Marx’s Capital volume I have been downloaded over half a million times with pending translations in over 129 languages and his co-produced animation on the Crisis of Capitalism has been watched over 3 million times. He has published 26 books, many of them widely influential in the humanities, social sciences as well as art and design fields. He is the recipient of twelve honorary doctorates. In 2019 he was granted the Leverhulme Gold Medal of the British Academy for Creative Contributions to the Social Sciences.