grounded directions for a new urban hope

Leilani Farha


Leilani Farha

Housing, Finance and Human Rights - Legislation and Policy

SDGs (Goal 11), human rights based housing strategies, homelessness, housing finance, residential real estate investment, urban justice, governance

Farha (Canada) is the United Nations special rapporteur on adequate housing and the Director of Canada Without Poverty. Farha is a lawyer and an alumna of the University of Toronto. She was the Executive Director of the Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation and has been a member of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions for UN-Habitat, and a founding member of ESCR-Net, an international network of actors committed to economic, social and cultural rights.  Farha campaigns for the right to adequate housing for marginalized groups and has taken part in missions worldwide to examine the condition of housing rights and to develop policies to implement those rights.