grounded directions for a new urban hope

Rubén Martínez Moreno


Rubén Martínez Moreno

Social Innovation and Redistributive Politics

Radical social innovation, cultural commons, new redistributive institutions, real utopias

Martínez (Barcelona, Spain) is an expert on social innovation and policies for social change. Co-founder of La Hidra Cooperativa, he holds a Ph.D. in Political Sciences and Public Policies (UAB). Professor of Cultural Economies and Social Innovation Studies in the Design College of Barcelona (BAU). He worked for  YProductions, a cultural economy think tank, and as a researcher in the Institute of Government and Public Policy (AUB). Co-author of different books such as Barrios y Crisis (Tirant, 2019), Rebeldías en Común. Sobre comunales, nuevos comunes y economías cooperativas (Libros en acción, 2017) or Innovación en Cultura (Traficantes de Sueños, 2009). He has developed consultancy projects in the fields of social innovation, cultural economy and citizen participation for local administrations and private institutions.