grounded directions for a new urban hope

Ruedi Baur


Ruedi Baur

Civic Communication

Information design, representation and orientation systems, visual pedagogy, social and civic communication, urban scénographie

Baur (Paris, France / Zurich, Switzerland) is a pioneer of the Social Design platform, conceiving his work as a designer within the context of the public space. Laying claim to an interdisciplinary, civil-minded design approach. Baur touches on issues concerning identification, orientation, set design, and urban design as well as the representation of political institutions and territories. He is the founder of the Integral Ruedi Baur Paris and Zurich workshops, the IRB Laboratory of Applied Research, and recently created the “JEU” - Young University Company – Ten Billion Humans, a research and development workshop with Vera Baur. Several books published by Lars Müller, Zurich, and Jean-Michel Place, Paris, present his creations and reflections.