grounded directions for a new urban hope


La gran apuesta: es tiempo de Cooperativas

La puesta del sol aquí en Asunción regala un engañoso espectáculo visual: como fotografía  el enorme sol color rojo ocultándose sobre las mansas aguas del Rio Paraguay mientras una bandada de patos nativos llamados mbigua posa sobre un banco de arena en medio del rio; ciertamente es una gran toma. Pero detrás de ese paisaje se ocultan la histórica bajante del rio, y el humo de los enormes incendios forestales que azotan la región y dan color rojizo al sol y un aspecto nublado casi permanente a la ciudad.

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Gabriela Rendon
Member’s Voice: Statement of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

As a transcontinental assembly of fellow-travelers united by a shared vision within the urban front, we unequivocally denounce the ruthless and systematic ongoing acts of murder, forced displacement, ethnic cleansing, starvation, and the unprecedented urban destruction inflicted upon the Palestinian people by the state of Israel, its military, security apparatuses, and complicit elements within both the public and private sectors of society. 

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Gabriela Rendon
The Industrial Revolution of Affordable and Sustainable Housing | La Revolución Industrial de la Vivienda Asequible y Sostenible

David Bravo

Innovation in affordable and sustainable housing policies may be one of the best recipes to tackle the social and environmental crises in Spain.

La innovación en políticas de vivienda asequible y sostenible puede ser una de las mejores recetas para afrontar las crisis social y ambiental que España tiene por delante.

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Gabriela Rendon
Museums Are Never Neutral

Laura Raicovich

For museums to become more equitable spaces, the histories and structures that underpin them must be confronted, starting with recognizing that museums have never been neutral. This necessary evolution is not a transition towards an ideology but, rather, a recognition of past and current ideological frameworks that are unjust and exclusionary.

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Gabriela Rendon
The Narrowing of Museum Imagination

Laura Raicovich

This is the first article in a series by Laura Raicovich, the recipient of Hyperallergic’s inaugural Journalism Fellowship for Curators, made possible by Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation. Today, she connects Anand Giridharadas’s latest book on philanthropy and late-capitalism with useful questions about how cultural institutions function today. (Reposted from Hyperallergic)

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Gabriela Rendon
¿Quién teme la huelga de alquileres?

Laia Forné / Jaime Palomera

Hace unos días, mientras nos confinábamos para salvar vidas, se presentó públicamente una especie de patronal de los rentistas. Una asociación impulsada por los grandes fondos e inmobiliarias pero que dice representar a los pequeños propietarios de viviendas en alquiler. ¿A qué responde este movimiento, en plena pandemia?

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Gabriela Rendon
The Collective Response to a Collective Dilemma

David Harvey

It is a difficult time to know exactly how to respond to what is happening. Normally in a situation of this kind, we anti-capitalists would be out on the streets demonstrating and agitating. Instead, I am in a frustrating situation of personal isolation at a moment when the time calls for collective forms of action. But as Marx famously put it, we cannot make history under circumstance of our own choosing. So we have to figure out how best to make use of the opportunities we do have.

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Gabriela Rendon
Anti-Capitalist Politics in the Time of COVID-19

David Harvey

When trying to interpret, understand and analyze the daily flow of news, I tend to locate what is happening against the background of two distinctive but intersecting models of how capitalism works. The first level is a mapping of the internal contradictions of the circulation and accumulation of capital as money value flows in search of profit through the different “moments” (as Marx calls them) of production, realization (consumption), distribution, and reinvestment.

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Gabriela Rendon
Domestic Confinement: Challenges and Learnings

Arquitectos de Cabecera

Home confinement as an outcome of Covid-19 control measures has shifted the way we perceive and use our cities and our homes. In the case of Spain, compulsory full-confinement has taken place for the first five weeks (since March 15th) during which only food provision shops and pharmacies were open, only “essential workers” could attend their jobs, and any outdoor leisure activity or the simple fact of enjoying the street and social relations that emerge from it were banned.

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Gabriela Rendon